Its nutritional content depends on the floral and geographical origin. Overall we normally find bee pollen with:
Humidity: 4 to 8%.
Fat: approx 6%.
Protein: 15 to 35%.
Carbohydrates: 25 to 40%.
Its components include:
Sugars: mainly fructose and glucose, and to a lesser extent sucrose, trehalose, maltose, isomaltose, erlosa, etc.
Fatty acids: palmitic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, oleic acid, caprylic acid, lauric acid, myristic acid, stearic acid, capric acid, arachidonic acid, etc.
Amino acids: aspartic acid, glutamic acid, tryptophan, leucine, lysine, isoleucine, valine, proline, phenylalanine, arginine, serine, glycine, tyrosine, methionine, hydroxyproline, cystine.
Minerals: Selenium, iron, calcium, silicon, zinc, potassium, sodium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, etc.
Vitamins: Beta Carotene, B1, B2, B6, C, D and E.
Others: Enzymes such as diastase, amylase, phosphatase and invertase. Pigments. Flavonoids, which give it its antioxidant capacity and phytosterols, which help control cholesterol levels.